Monday, February 25, 2008

Audio/Video - Music and other Audio

I really wanted to try out the site but having no administrative privileges I could not download the required update to Flash Player....sad day. I guess my learning Portuguese has to wait another day or so.

The Internet Archive site is overwhelming. Way too much stuff. Does anyone really need all those video clips? I don't know...the site might have its uses but I found it overkill. I can't imagine ever going there looking for something.

I liked the music sites. I found samples of all my favorite musicians and singers (yes, even Babyface!). IMEEM, however, only gave you a taste of a song. After a few bars you had to sign up for an account in order to listen to the whole song. I am getting tired of having to sign up for everything. It gets really old. So Imeem is off my list to go to for music downloads.

The Absolute Sound Effects Archive was a hoot. Loved being able to access the sound of different birds, car horns, rain, etc.

I am familiar with the site. I guess it has its use for people who want to read or listen to books in the public domain. I found one of the Swiss authors I loved as a child and downloaded a book...however, I did not manage to get even halfway through (even though I had wanted to read it for a long time!) - reading on a screen just gets way too tiring for me. Must be my advanced age. Maybe younger people will be able to do that. I'd rather pick up the book. I'm an old fuddy duddy, that's for sure!

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