Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Image Generator

So, at this site (Generator Blog) one could waste a lot of time looking through the different image generators! I am not sure if it's in FVRL's best interest if I do so...I am having too much fun! Especially making George dance the Schuhplattler. Whew! I am still laughing. Hilarious. Try it yourself at Huettengaudi I also liked the warning sign generator quite a bit. I shall post all kinds of warnings around my house now. I am sure my husband will appreciate that a lot.

After having "played" with the different applications for almost a month now, I can see why people don't have time for reading or socializing anymore! Playing on the computer takes up so much time! Yes, the gadgets might eventually save time somewhere but to research them and set them up and make them look the way you want is very time consuming. And since days haven't gotten any longer, certain things - such as reading - must fall to the wayside. I am not sure if I am willing to do that. But, of course, I am an old fuddy-duddy and my kids, for example, are perfectly willing and happy to spend hours playing, "socializing" and creating stuff on the computer. More power to them. And I am glad I actually tried out and signed up for all these different gadgets. I knew about them, of course, but knowing and actually working with them are two different things